A solar pump is designed to run directly off solar panels without the need to use batteries or mains power. The controllers supplied with the pumps can vary the speed of the motor which will in turn increase and decrease the flow rate according to the output for the solar panels.
1. What is a solar pump and how does it work?
2. Do I need batteries or can I add batteries to this pump?
You do not need to add batteries in order for this pump to work, however, the 3rd gen controllers have the battery function built in so adding batteries at a later stage is also possible.
3. Can I use Mains or generator power to run the pump during cloudy days?
The controller does not have the input for mains or generator power but the pump can be powered by means of a DC power supply that can supply the controller the correct voltage and amperage for the pump to operate efficiently.
4. Can I add more solar panels to the pump to increase the flow rate?
You can increase the power to the controller, however, you will need to make sure that the voltage input to the controller remains within the limits. The additional power will not increase the peak flow rate; however, the additional power will allow the pump to run more efficiently during the early mornings, late afternoons as well as during cloudy days.
5. Can I use the existing cable on my AC pump to power the solar pump?
The solar pumps use a 3core cable and needs to be sized correctly based on the size of the solar pump required as well as the total cable distance. This is to ensure that the pumps performance does not get affected by volt drop over the cable distance. The cable size on the solar pumps are bigger than the standard AC pumps due to the lower voltages.
6. Do these pumps use brushes like other DC pumps?
The motors that we use are AC low voltage motors which means that they do not work with brushes at all. The only wearable parts on the motors are the bearings and mechanical seals like normal AC motors.
7. How far can I install the solar panels from the pump?
The Solar pumps we use work on low voltage so extending the cable too far will affect the performance and thicker cables need to be used to counter the volt drop.
We would not recommend extending the cable more than 100-120m depending on the size and voltage of the pump. It's best to increase the cable between the controller and pump and keep the cables between the controller and panels as short as possible to get the best efficiency out of the pump.
8. Can I run this pump off my existing solar installation?
It is possible to run the pump directly off of a battery bank. You will need to make sure that the voltage of the battery bank falls within the input range of the controller.
9. What do you mean by "Head"?
Head is the maximum vertical height above the pump that the water needs to be pushed and this also includes the losses over the distance that needs to be pumped.
10. Can the speed of the pump be adjusted?
Yes, the 3rd Gen controllers come standard with a speed adjustment dial whereby you can reduce the speed of the motor if needed.
11. What are the probes used for and are they needed?
The probes are used to protect the motor from running dry. On the borehole pumps it's advised to make use of them, however, on swimming pool pumps they are not needed.
12. How do I determine the amount of panels needed for my solar pump?
The easiest way to determine this is to add 30% on top of the pump wattage for minimum requirements and recommended would be 60%. I.e. a 500w pump requires minimum 650w and recommended 800w to operate.
13. What would the maximum power be that I can add to the pump?
The controllers are not limited to wattage. You will need to make sure that the solar panels are connected correctly to avoid exceeding the voltage rating of the controller.